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Publication Date: November 7, 2018
Purchase Price: $0.00
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Coming Soon: The New Meddevicetracker

We are pleased to announce that a newly redesigned Meddevicetracker is coming soon. The new experience will deliver you an enhanced version of the tool you rely on for real-time market intelligence, unparalleled medtech market coverage, and accurate device and disease market forecasting.

Look for the new design and enhanced functionality of Meddevicetracker soon, and take advantage of its:

  • New look and feel: Intuitive, streamlined, and modern, Meddevicetracker’s new user interface provides you with a seamless experience across the entire Pharma Intelligence suite of products.
  • Advanced search improvements*: Save time with upgrades to advanced searches (Product Search, Catalyst Search, Event Search, Combination Product Search, and Trial Search) that enable you to select criteria more quickly and easily.
  • Saved Searching*: Quickly save important advanced searches to your account in order to come back anytime to re-run the search, without needing to reselect your criteria.
  • Ask-the-Analyst button: Immediately access our best-in-class analyst team from an easy to find Ask-the-Analyst button now on every page.
  • Quick Search improvements: Now, search results are populated as you type, effectively giving you a preview of what’s available in Meddevicetracker’s data. Return usable results faster, and select either the exact result you want and be taken directly to that page, or click to search the whole dataset and see the entire list of results. 

The new interface is coming your way on November 13th. In the meantime, please feel free to explore the Beta Preview and leave your feedback using the feedback mechanism. 

Thank you for being a Meddevicetracker customer. We’re excited to take your Meddevicetracker experience to the next level!

*Available to full-product subscribers only.  Not available to Reports-only users.

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